Each week of June you’ll find an idea to focus your prayers and actions on as an entry point
into a celebration of Indigenous Culture and a step toward reconciliation.
Week 1: Language Reclamation
There’s a major effort in Saskatchewan to revive Indigenous Languages after a long history of colonizing practices tried to eradicate them. As we think about how the Holy Spirit comes with language and understanding in Acts 2, we invite you to consider the gift of relating to your Creator in your own unique language and syntax and how we might move our appreciation beyond our own experience to hope that gift for others.
Here are a few ideas to try:
Week 2: Art & Story
This week, we’re asking folks to look around the city with fresh eyes at things we’re likely quite used to seeing. Reconciliation Saskatoon has put together a wonderful guide (that we’ve adapted slightly to include some new additions to the city) to help explain the significance of many Indigenous focused art pieces we’re used to seeing on a regular basis without necessarily knowing what we’re looking at. It’s a great tool to help us understand more broadly the rich lives of our neighbours and our commitment to honouring Treaty relationships.  

Over the month of June we encourage you to check out as many of these sites as you can in person, or if mobility is an issue for you, try using Google Street View!
Download the adapted guide here:
or pick one up at the Information Desk.
Find more excellent resources at BeAConnectR.org or by following Reconciliation Saskatoon on Instagram or Facebook.
There’s also a fantastic app called Whose Land that allows users to learn more specifics about the Treaty that pertains to the land they live on. Check it out wherever you download your apps.
Week 3: Celebration
This week we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on Wednesday, June 21st. It’s a great opportunity to join in celebration as guests at the festivities being hosted around the city. If you can make it during the day, check out the SIMFC celebrations at Victoria Park from 10:30am-4pm, or the activities being held at Wanuskewin from 9:30am-4pm.
If you would like to meet up with others at Victoria Park, contact Kari.
Week 4: Continued Learning
While National Indigenous People’s History Month is drawing to a close we want to continue to keep our learning front of mind. As you move forward, please consider digging deeper into Indigenous history and culture. You might want to look into some of the options below to get you started.